First of the summer clouds.




Today is the “official” first day of Summer here in Australia. (No, not the solstice. That’s later in the month.) To celebrate I woke up around 5am this morning. By celebrate I mean woke up and couldn’t get back to sleep. The sun rises around 4:45am this time of year and certain crazy people are up and being productive at that ungodly hour. 6am when the coffee shops open there’s usually at least one or two bicyclists waiting in their spandex. Me? Well, I usually sleep a few hours later and do brunch. I’ve never been a morning person.

One thing I like to do at any time of day is gaze at the sky and watch the clouds go by. There’s been times I’ve been on a run or just out and about and needed to stop and admire the beautiful sunset or a rainbow. And perhaps point it out to people with their heads down speeding busily on their way. Yes, it’s a need. Complete with ooooh’s and aaaaahhh’s.

Summer, my favorite season, welcome.

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